I gave you a 5/5 and a 9/10. The reason it wasn't the constant 10, was because I've always known it's not a good idea to make a flash game off of a console game, noone can pull it off. However, this is the best attempt I've ever seen. (and unfortunately I've witnessed many) I enjoyed playing it and I have to admit it's very detailed and well crafted, but there are still many, many flaws which I would expect and cannot complaine about. Some example of flaws if your into editing it, would be that when running on the Melee platform map, there's alot of sliding back and forth, and when hurled off the edge, it's almost always impossible come back to the platform, though your enemies seem to do it alot easier. Another is the race to the finnish map, I got through it in a breeze but I had no clue that patch of grass was the finish, I mean the entire map was already grass,
Ah well, either way it was very good and I'm glad to see an brilliant flash artist such as yourself.